niedziela, 6 marca 2011

amazing shoes from Sergio Rossi

Another great collaboration, this time between Francesco Russo, Creative Director of and Alexander Furry, Fashion Director of SHOWstudio. They created short cinematic studies of the Autumn/Winter 2011 Sergio Rossi women’s collection. In ten short movies Fury analyzes inspirations and explores reasoning behind Sergio Rossi’s latest pieces of footwear.

sobota, 5 marca 2011

ok last days of CARNIVAL ! it's party time, but we need some inspiration for night!

Karnawał! Sezon jak sezon 2011 ----> czerwień, beż lub klasyczna mała czarna!! Wybór w sklepach jest ogromny. Możemy też postawić na nieco bardziej codzienny dobór strojów prezentowany na najniższym zdjęciu. Miłej zabawy.

today we have a SATURDAY so... Let's go to party!

new version Louis Vuitton? why not? :)

let's talk about Anja Rubik, part 3

let's talk about Anja Rubik, part 2

let's talk about Anja Rubik

Featuring Morloes Horst at Next Models NY BOSKIE!

PRADA RESORT by Robert Nethery from Wonderland Magazine on Vimeo.

LTJ X-Perience - And I Love Him [Remix]